1. Optimize Our Business Structure - Make "growth engine" business divisions more competitive, technologically advanced, and profitable. - Establish positions in business fields with sizeable markets and high growth potential. - Leverage core competencies to enter new business and exit low-profit, marginal businesses.
2. Maximize Our Global Competitiveness - Develop bases around the world for production, sales, and R&D. - Establish regional headquarters in major markets. - Establish a global network linking regional headquarters with each other as well as global headquarters.
3. Develop Advanced Technologies - Make major product lines leaders in their global markets. - Enhance core technologies to higher levels. - Strengthen collaboration between R&D centers and business divisions.
4. Build Efficient Production Systems - Streamline and maximize the efficiency of existing facilities. - Improve quality and productivity by automating facilities. - Create efficient and integrated management systems.
5. Create Innovative Business Practices - Increase outsourcing of low-value-added business and operations. - Maintain flexibility in resource utilization for facilities, people and funds.